
Mars Mom is your number one source for Moomin related facts and history no matter how obscure. This webpage aims to document all there is to know about Tove Jansson’s work on her Moomin series, devised after I noticed a significant vacuum of any really substantial supplementary webpage, especially in English for an international audience.

The Moomin stories have long been one of my biggest interests, which has lead me to both learn, discover and unearth lots of fascinating tidbits of Moomin information, both substantial and insignificant. My goal is to keep exploring those uncharted territories and relay everything to you, the readers, in a digestible format.

Previously an enthusiast Tumblr blog, the project needed some proper structure to really be able to document everything freely, so a proper website was the only logical step forward. Don’t worry though, the social media accounts will still be running as usual, the posts will just have more context from here on out.

Now, because gathering material and writing texts take time, the site is currently very incomplete with large chunks of knowledge obviously missing. For the moment I’m starting out humble with work around the core books, it’s the bare minimum, but the page will definitely expand further in the future.

As for me, I’m Kiki, living in Stockholm, primarily an artist, currently studying museums and cultural heritage with a focus on art history. I run the Youtube channel Transparency together with my partner Alicia.

If you’d like, please check any of these links to my other projects:
My art
Abstract Expressions with Olivia Birch

You can also find Mars Mom on Tumblr and Twitter.

(The nifty picture of Mars Mom that’s adorning the About icon was drawn by my good friend Kisselexy!)

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